Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Snakeskin Coverup

Howdy gals. It's come back round to my lazy day again, hooray. This will be my last day off before I fly out to see my beautiful friend in Germany, which is all rather exciting, yet still two weeks away ahh, so I've literally surrounded myself with all that I need to do absolutely nothing. It's bliss.
In other news, everyone is back from uni now so I've been going out and catching up with them, it's always lovely to have my favourites back in town. And next time they all go off, I'll be going off's coming round all so quickly.This outfit is one I donned a few nights ago, which started with wine and giggles and ended up with us in an absolutely dire club in town. I sound like the most boring 20 year old ever, but I really just don't enjoy clubbing. Night clubs where you pay something stupid to get in, to not be able to here each other and be grinded by some sleazy, dunken 'lad'. Ew. Don't get me wrong, I love going out and having a jig, but in bars as they just have a much nicer atmosphere. The fact my home town has extremely awful clubs doesn't help my opinion haha.

playsuit H&M shirt Primark via charity shop  belt charity shop shoes Jasper Conran via charity shop clutch charity shop  earrings New Look ring Boots nails Mavala
I love summer evenings when you can just wear a shirt for cover up, balances out the shortness of the playsuit...H&M's dresses and playsuits are always very, very short. Anyone else use that trick to still feel comfortable on a night out? 

Stay dandy,

1 comment:

Thanks for all your sugary sweet thoughts <3